The Five of Cups Upright and Reversed Meanings
1. The Five of Cups and its Meaning.
The Five of Cups is a Minor Arcana tarot card. It is associated with the element of Water and corresponds to the astrological sign of Scorpio. The card depicts a hooded figure standing in front of a river with five overturned cups.
2. The Five of Cups in a Reading.
The Five of Cups usually indicates a time of loss or disappointment. The overturned cups represent the things that have been lost or are no longer working in your life. This may be a relationship, a job, or anything else that was once important to you. The figure in the card is grieving the loss of these things, but it is important to remember that grief is only temporary. The river in the background represents the flow of life, and it is a reminder that even though you may be experiencing loss now, better things are sure to come.
3. The Five of Cups as a Positive Card.
Even though the Five of Cups is generally seen as a negative card, it can also have positive meanings in some readings. The card can represent coming to terms with loss and moving on from a difficult situation. It can also indicate that you have learned from your mistakes and are now ready to start fresh.
4. Five of Cups as a Negative Card.
As mentioned above, the Five of Cups is usually seen as a negative card. It can indicate a feeling of hopelessness or being stuck in a rut. The card can also represent a person who is unable to let go of the past and is constantly dwelling on their losses.
5. What the Five of Cups Means for You.
The Five of Cups usually indicates a time of loss or disappointment in your life. However, it is important to remember that grief is only temporary. The card can also represent a period of growth and healing, where you learn from your mistakes and move on to better things.
Five of Cup Reversed.
1. Five of Cups Reversed. Overview.
The Five of Cups reversed suggests that you have come to terms with a loss or disappointment. You are no longer dwelling on what could have been, and you are ready to move on. This is a positive sign, indicating that you have healed from your hurt and are ready to start a new.
2. Five of Cups Reversed. Love and Relationships.
If you are single, the Five of Cups reversed suggests that you are ready to start dating again. You have healed from your past heartaches, and you are now open to finding new love. If you are in a relationship, the Five of Cups reversed suggests that your relationship is on solid ground. You and your partner have overcome a difficult time, and your relationship is stronger for it.
3. Five of Cups Reversed. Career and Money.
The Five of Cups reversed suggests that you are ready to move on from a job or career that is no longer fulfilling. You may have experienced a setback or disappointment, but you are now ready to start fresh. This is a positive sign, indicating that you will eventually find success in your chosen field.
4. Five of Cups Reversed. Health and Well-Being.
The Five of Cups reversed suggests that you are on the road to recovery. You may have experienced a recent health scare, but you are now ready to start taking care of yourself. This is a positive sign, indicating that you will eventually regain your health and well-being.
5. Five of Cups Reversed. Spirituality and Personal Growth.
The Five of Cups reversed suggests that you are ready to start on a new path. You may have experienced a setback or disappointment, but you are now ready to move forward. This is a positive sign, indicating that you will eventually find success in your spiritual and personal growth.
The New Mythic Tarot Deck And Book Set
Malcolm M’s Opinion On this Tarot Deck
I have been using the mythic Tarot deck for the best part of 34 years and have two decks. However, I have just purchased this new version and I love it. I would highly recommend

The Mythic Tarot Deck
this new deck to beginner and professional tarot readers alike.
The tarot deck is a traditional 78-card deck used to read tarot. The deck has been updated to include an illustrated design that captures
the essence of the tarot tradition while still honoring the flexibility and contemporary feel of the tarot.
I think this deck is a great addition to any tarot collection and it’s perfect for anyone who wants a more traditional but versatile tarot deck. The tarot readings that I’ve done with this deck have been very helpful and insightful, and I’ve really enjoyed using them.
The mythological context for each card is well summarised and gives an interesting new dimension to the readings.
11 out of 10.
The 4 of Cups Tarot Card and How It As A Powerful Impact on a Tarot Reading